Want to bring your board to the next level, but don't know how?
Keep your users requesting a specific feature or alternative option?
Or are you struggling with an issue on the back-end?
Then the Studio is the answer!
We offer a wide variety of services to help you with your every need. Whether is a complete new extension, a conversion from a different bulletin board software or something completely else. Even if what you are wanting to request is not listed, feel free to inquire. We are nice and honest people that don't bite (scout's honour ), we will let you know if it is possible and what it might cost.
Please note that requests are done through our forum, so you will have to be a registered user.
The same workflow is followed for almost all of our services. The keyword here is almost. While we will always provide maintenance and support for our developed extensions, we can not endlessly provide maintenance and support for (for example) an installation. In these cases we will do the requested service, make sure you are comfortable and then leave you to it.
Below we will go through our workflow and briefly explain each step. This way you always know what to expect from us.

- Discussing the request's details
- Providing an estimated finish time
- The costs for the service
- 50% of the price upfront
- Figuring out the best approach
- Preparing development environment
- Figuring out a fitting name
- Setting up base structure
- Building the back-end
- Hitting a bump in the road
- Rethink everything over a coffee
- Continue developing as it was just a typo
- Styling the front-end
Testing & Delivery
- Testing all possibilities and fixing any bugs & issues
- Testing through continuous integration
- Writing any necessary documentation
- Remaining 50% of the price
- Delivering the final product
- Maintaining the extension's code
- Keeping up-to-date with phpBB upgrades
- Small new features
- Feel good about ourselves