Horizontal rule

https://phpbbstudio.com/ext/phpbbstudio/studio/styles/all/theme/images/studio-round-black.svg BBCodes 26-Mar-2019T15:57:14 phpBB Studio https://phpbbstudio.com/ext/phpbbstudio/studio/styles/all/theme/images/studio-round-yellow.svg https://phpbbstudio.com/ext/phpbbstudio/studio/styles/all/theme/images/studio-round-yellow.svg

Horizontal rule

Sometimes you want to split up your content with more than just a white line or a new paragraph.
Inserting a horizontal rule allows you to do just that. Whether it is just a visual aid or actually an indicator of a subject change (thematic break), inserting a line can be helpful!


css3 This BBCode has no inline style!



pencil BBCode usage

[hr={REGEXP=/^dashed$/i;optional} #autoClose=true][/hr]


html5 HTML replacement

	<xsl:when test="@hr">
		<hr class="dashed" />
		<hr />


question Help line

Horizontal rule: [hr]



angle-double-right REGEXP: This matches the word “dashed” (i: case insensitive), to create a dashed line.
angle-double-right optional: This makes the parameter optional, so it can also be used without it, eg [hr].
angle-double-right autoClose: This allows only using the opening BBCode tag and omiting the closing tag, exclusive to HTML element with a void closing tag, such as <br />, <hr />, <img />.


sticky-noteNo actual content is shown here, just the BBCode usage.

A paragraph
Another paragraph


This my first paragraph
This is my second paragraph after a dashed horizontal line.
And this the third paragraph.